Nabídka studijních programů

Our department executes the teaching of a couple of study programmes. Determine more information below and sign up.

Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bc.)

Bachelor’s degree Programme in Power Electrical and Electronic engineering offers you a way to develop a wide multidisciplinary expertise in the field of power electronics and power engineering. This Programme is focused on the design, construction, and application of electrotechnical components and systems in various fields of industrial and consumer electronics. This study programme includes also the operation and control of drives in automated production systems and computer operation of power aggregates.

Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Mgr.)

Master’s degree Programme in Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering is a direct continuation of the Bachelor’s studies. Graduates of this programme become a specialist with deep knowledge of the theory, design, construction, and application of electrotechnical components and systems in a wide range of consumer and industrial electronics, power engineering, automotive and rail transportation.  

Power Systems and Power Electronics (Ph.D.)

Doctoral degree Programme in Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering aims to provide training that prepares students for working as researchers and experts in various areas of power electronics, control technology, design of electrical machines, electric power generation and distribution, and electric power utilization.

Více informací

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